Our Story
An Adelaide Hills koala receiving veterinary treatment at the AKR Bushfire Emergency Triage Centre (Adelaide, South Australia
An Adelaide Hills koala receiving veterinary treatment for burns at the AKR Bushfire Emergency Triage Centre (Adelaide, South Australia)
Adelaide Koala Rescue Limited (AKR) established a 24/7 wildlife rescue and advice service based in Adelaide, South Australia in 2018. AKR has since responded to thousands of calls each year for sick, injured, orphaned, trapped and displaced koalas needing rescue as well as other wildlife including kangaroos and possums. Due to a lack of alternative resources, AKR has often been called upon to manage non-native wildlife and other animals needing help. AKR predominantly services Adelaide and the Mount Lofty Ranges (Adelaide Hills) and sometimes greater SA and interstate.
AKR has independently funded and provided no-cost (free) animal welfare and wildlife management services for the South Australian community and the Government of South Australia. Services include emergency wildlife rescue, bushfire rescue and recovery, wildlife veterinary treatment and rehabilitation facilities, and animal management services. AKR has regularly received referrals from and provided services for government (local, state and federal) and non-government bodies including RSPCA, Parks SA (National Parks), Cleland Wildlife Park, the Department for Environment and Water (DEW), the Department for Primary Industries (PIRSA), local Councils and wildlife carer groups.
During the 2019-2020 Black Summer bushfires, AKR initiated and operated the largest wildlife bushfire emergency rescue and recovery operation in the Adelaide Hills. The self-funded operation included 24/7 wildlife bushfire rescue and recovery and the establishment and operation of an emergency bushfire triage centre and field hospital that treated hundreds of wild animals from the Cudlee Creek fire. The AKR Rescue Crew not only rescued wildlife but was also called upon by landholders and the Department for Primary Industries (PIRSA) to provide humane euthanasia for bushfire impacted wildlife and livestock left suffering due to a lack of alternative services. The lessons learned and invaluable experience gained during the Black Summer and other bushfires positioned AKR as the wildlife emergency management specialists in South Australia. Our AKR Training Program is currently engaged in further specialist training for emergency rescue and recovery events including future bushfires.
In 2020 AKR pioneered a new and vastly improved model for koala rehabilitation in South Australia incorporating education and research. The AKR Clinic provided the first 24/7 veterinary treatment and rehabilitation facility in South Australia. AKR treated around 50 koalas per month as well as providing services for other species. Sadly due to external politics and inflated real estate prices, AKR has been unable to source a suitable base for our operations since the lease expired on our temporary accommodation at a State Government-owned site. We continue to assist animals in need in the best way we can and are endeavoring to raise further funds to secure a new and permanent home.
More than just a rescue service, AKR was established due to a dire need for effective advocacy for, education about and research to help improve animal welfare in South Australia. We are passionate about the plight of koalas and other wildlife and the state of their habitat. We work closely with our independent veterinary, research and conservation partners in an effort to improve animal welfare outcomes for koalas and other wildlife now and into the future.
AKR is an independent, not-for-profit organisation and registered Australian charity. We receive no funding or other support from the Government of South Australia. We rely upon donations and sponsorship to ensure the continuation of our unique, unmatched and necessary services for koalas, wildlife and other animals in South Australia. We are grateful for the ongoing support of our volunteers and supporters. AKR thanks the individuals and organisations who sponsor and partner with us and would love to hear from others keen to support our aims and essential work.